There is a great session on Customer Advisory Boards (CABs) on the Main stage of…

Creating a public WEBPAGE for your CAB Program?
Creating a landing page on your website for your Customer Adviosry Board (CAB) is a great way to extend the marketing reach of the program, it can be a very visual way of sharing the success of the program or simply a way of announcing to your client base, or future clients, the existence of the client advisory council. A webpage dedicated to the CAB enables everyone to see WHO the customer advisory board members are, WHY has the council been formed (the objective and goals), WHEN & WHERE is the next meeting, and most importantly WHAT topics are going to be discussed. This showcases the host organizations commitment to listening to clients, feeding nicely into a wider Customer Experience initiative. Once clients are aware of who the CAB members are, they can reach out to them individually to share their insights and wishes, using them as a funnel to get their ideas into the advisory board discussions. This amplifies the reach of the customer council throughout the wider client community. The website can also serve as an asset for existing members, so they can find resources such as the CHARTER, MEMBER LIST, AGENDA and a historical records of previous MEETINGS, all in one place online. This is a lot more efficient than managing all this evolving content over email. With the addition of a password protection on some of the web pages, you can fence off sensitive information for CAB members eyes only, from the more public content.
Here is an example of a nicely designed customer advisory board web site landing page, from HCL, involving some of their most senior executive level clients in a strategic advisory council program:
Please share other examples of CAB webites if you have them?