There is a great session on Customer Advisory Boards (CABs) on the Main stage of…

Announcing the 2018 Customer Advisory Board conference
Our annual conference is being held on Tuesday December 4th in Boston with a reception the evening before on Monday December 3rd. We are now in our 9th year of running this event! Which is the largest gathering of CAB managers worldwide. This is a great opportunity to learn and share best practices on managing Customer Advisory Boards. Whether you are new to the concept of CAB’s or a seasoned advisory council manager, you will meet people in similar shoes as you in large small companies and walk away with lots of tips and tricks on how to boost the performance of your board. Registration is easy, just go to our Eventbrite page at:
There are discounts for registering multiple people at the same time so please consider bringing your colleagues. We look forward to seeing you at the conference!
The full agenda is here:
8:00 a.m. Refreshments & Registration
8:45 a.m. Welcome & Meeting Objectives – Gavin Nathan, Founder Customer Advisory Board .org
8:50 a.m. “How do you ensure a CAB’s longevity? Its all about building value beyond the board.” – David Coates, Director, Customer Marketing, Iron Mountain
9:40 a.m. “What I learned in the first year of managing a CAB” – Dan Skaggs, Group Product Manager, Middle Market, Corporate Payment Systems, U.S. Bank
10:20 a.m. Refreshment Break
10:50 a.m. “Leveraging a CAB program to drive Customer Advocacy” – Pascale Royal, Senior Manager, Global Advocacy Programs, Citrix
11:40 a.m. “Proven Approaches to Facilitating Customer Advisory Boards” – Eyal Danon, Founder, Ignite Advisory Group
12:30 p.m. Lunch & Group Photo
1:30 p.m. “How to recruit C-Level candidates for an Executive Advisory Board” – CB
2:30 p.m. “How a consulting organization uses a CAB to drive Employee Effectiveness” – Stephanie Schrankler, Director of Customer Advocacy, Sagitec
3:15 p.m. Refreshment Break
3:30 p.m. Roundtable Discussion: What are the Top 3 Challenges you face managing Customer Advisory Board Programs? What are the Top 3 Solutions to these?
4:10 p.m. Group Readouts
4:20 p.m. Meeting Summary & Close
More information can be found at: