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What should be in a Customer Advisory Board MEETING report?

We recently had this question posed during a webinar: “Q. What should be in a Customer Advisory Board MEETING report?”. Everyone seems to write their meeting reports differently, so we opened up a Google Doc and started contributing to create the ‘best meeting report ever’ … or something like that!

Meeting reports are typically distributed after every Customer Advisory Council meeting, whether it is an in-person meeting of the board or a virtual online CAB meeting. There is still a need to clearly communicate who attended, what was discussed, what the outcomes are and what will happen next.

During the webinar we combined everyone’s opinion on this topic of how to create the best CAB meeting report and this is what the group collaboration resulted in, we created a Table of Contents for an ideal Customer Advisory Board meeting report. There is lots of detail in here, hopefully that helps you create a great looking and valuable CAB meeting analysis and readout:

FORMAT: Word Doc with graphics pasted from PowerPoint.

HEADER: Company Logo and Meeting Title

FOOTER: Page X of Y, Prepared by <XYZ> 

  • Title Page: Meeting date/location with Group Photo “Reported prepared by XYZ”
  • Table of Contents (with page numbers)
  • Executive Summary (a single paragraph when did we meet, how many people attended and what were topics, containing top 3-5 themes and the high-level outcome/key action items)
  • Attendees (headshots and logos paste from meeting slides)
  • Meeting Agenda (short version with no times and meeting rooms)
  • Member Feedback (from surveys)
  • Ongoing Engagement Timeline (paste from meeting slides)
  • Appendix 1: Session Summaries: Session TITLE:
      • Session Objective – one sentence
      • Session Content – pull in one or two graphics from the original PPT if relevant
      • Member Comments – Some key questions asked and anonymous member quotes “” (or flipchart content) with member photos if in-person
      • Session Summary – simple statement – “Members agreed…” or ideally create a single graphic to summarize the session (see example belows)
  • Appendix 2: Action Tracker (Item/Session/Owner<blank>/Timeframe<blank>)
  • Appendix 3: Images from Social Networking Event

Please let us know if you have any other ideas or best practices, on how to create an ideal Client Advisory Council meeting report?


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